Friday, October 18, 2013

Cooper is 4 months old!

We said…
No dogs on the furniture anymore…
No dogs on the bed anymore either but Cooper figured out how to get up there on his own and so he does.  Plus, I confess I like cuddling with him in the mornings when he and I are both still warm and sleepy.
This week saw two of the gates in the house come down!  That means more freedom for my growing boy.  He weighed in at 36 pounds this week, whereas some of his littermates are topping in at 45 and 50 pounds respectively.  We asked the vet when we saw him and he said that Cooper looks great and that slow and steady growth is better than him gaining a lot of weight.  Cooper is a lot of leg, I’ll tell you that much, those things get to flailing and watch out!  He’s a really, really good puppy, I mean way better than I was hoping for.  His only ‘bad’ behaviors are eating stuff in the yard and chasing the cats.  If the cats would bolt when he goes to sniff at them he wouldn’t chase them, but I don’t know how you convince a cat not to run!  As for the other we sure do hope it’s a puppy thing!

1 comment:

kathy said...

I said the same things no dogs on the furniture ...doesn't last long once they jump up and curl up at my feet I'm all good it
Makes them happy and me too!!!!