Friday, March 30, 2012

Cherry Blossoms 100 Years in the Making..

I’ve lived in Maryland for most of my life, we moved here when I was about 7 I think.  In that time I’ve seen a lot of the sites of this wonderful state and of those around me.  One thing I’ve never done is the Cherry Blossoms in Washington, D.C.   I suggested to Randy that we go down and see them and so on March 23, 2012 off we went.  Now here’s what’s funny about this, for starters I picked the100th Anniversary to go and when we went it was almost 90 degrees!  No, I’m not kidding!  We got lucky though as it was the peak time for the blooms, see for yourself!
We weren’t there for any of the festival stuff (had a Caps game that night!) but the really funny thing is that when they had the ‘real’ festivities, the blossoms were long gone. Just goes to show you Mom Nature, doesn’t go by our schedules!

Happy Spring!

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